Are you interested in becoming a UNION sheet metal worker???
......."In this age of organized effort it is essential that those engaged at our trade must likewise organize in order to establish and maintain desirable working conditions and thus provide for themselves and their families that measure of comfort, happiness, and security to which every good citizen is entitled in return for his labor from a deep sense of pride in our trade, to give a fair day's work for a fair day's pay...."
If you are currently working in the industry, in the New York areas and you would like to make a change for the betterment of your family, we're here for you!! We have excellent wages and benefits, that everyone engaged in this industry deserves in return for their labor.Tired of the BS??? Tired of working with nothing to look forward to in the future??? Want more info???? e-mail:
Reinaldo Torres
Let me introduce myself
My name is Reinaldo Torres I live on Staten Island. I am a Union Organizer and a member of the Sheet Metal Workers Local 28. My job is to assist Sheet Metal Workers in becoming members of the Union. I'm working on every way possible to get the union message out to the public.
My interests: Television Production, Internet Production, Hot wheel redlines, Vintage H.O. slot cars, Animation Art, and ebaY.
I am currently producing a program on Staten Island Cable Community Television called Sheet Metal Workers: On the Cutting Edge. This program covers Labor news, issues, concerns and organizing. Check out my links for some great sites.